The Social Meanderings of Mr. Billy Walsh (work in progress)

(Gleanings from The Peninsula Enterprise, Accomack, Virginia)
 4 October 1883 
Mr. Wm. Walsh, of New York, has bought a house and lot at Mappsville, of Mr. Nehemiah W. Nock, for $1,000.  He proposes to engage in the mercantile business at that place at an early day. 
15 March 1884 
The dwelling of Mr. Walsh, in this place, narrowly escaped destruction by the flames recently.  The fire is supposed to have originated from the spontaneous combustion (no external agency being perceptible) of a small package of flowers of sulphur that was placed upon a bureau upstairs.  The location of the fire was discovered by the odor of the deadly gas that issued from the room.  The damage was very slight. 
9 August 1884 
Wm. Walsh, Mappsville, Accomac County, Va., Now carries one of the finest line of goods to be found on the Eastern Shore, consisting in part of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Notions, Drugs, Hats, Shoes, Fine Groceries, &c., &c., and defies any one to sell goods of same quality at lower rates.  Call and see him and you will find at his place of business everything you would expect to find in a country store, and at prices that will astonish you. 
3 October 1885 
Reports received from every part of our county shows, that a large number of hogs are dying with cholera, and in view of that fact attention is especially called to the advertisement of Mr. Wm. Walsh, Seaside P.O.  He claims to have found the remedy which as yet has never failed to cure, and no one should fail to give it a trial upon the reasonable terms which it is offered. 
Attention Farmers.  NO HUMBUG.  HOG CHOLERA POSITIVELY CURED BY WALSH'S Cholera Remedy.  The worst cases of the disease have been cured by a dose of only four ounces and in most cases only two ounces have been necessary to effect a cure, at the cost of 5 cents an ounce, (6 cents when sent by mail).  It is in the reach of every one, and money will be returned if results are not such as are claimed for it.  WM. WALSH, Seaside, Accomac County, Va. 
8 January 1887 
We have in our village quite a useful person in Rev. Richard Walsh of England, but more recently of El Paso, Texas.  He is an adept in candy making, having manufactured for his brother, one of our merchants, most of his Christmas candies, some of which was of a new and striking design.  He is also an expert in photography, and will soon erect a gallery for that business.  He is said to be also an excellent preacher. 
25 June 1887
MARRIED -- SAVAGE-WALSH -- At bride's residence, Mappsville, June 12th last, by Rev. Richard Walsh. Richard K. Savage to Miss Charlotte J. Walsh.
21 January 1888
The Rev. Richard Walsh, as rosy and smiling as ever, has after a short sojourn in Boston and other northern cities, again blessed us with his presence.
6 October 1888 
Bar room and retail liquor license were granted to......Wm. Walsh, Seaside.   .........Motion to revoke bar room and retail license granted Wm. Walsh was overruled. 
12 April 1890
Our photographer, Mr. Richard Walsh has been prospecting in Newport News for the past month, and has wisely invested some of his spare cash in several building lots at that place --- his brother, William Walsh is in New York purchasing his spring stock of goods, and at the same time looking after the landing of some blooded stock from the Old World.
30 August 1890 
Mrs. Wilson and daughter, and Mr. James Walsh, of New York, now in the county on a visit to family of Mr. Wm. Walsh, Mappsville, honored our sanctum with a call on last Monday. 
7 February 1891 
Physicians strongly recommend salt water baths in winter, using a handful of salt thrown in a tub of hot water, but the Rev. Richard Walsh disdains such an artificial contrivance and has during the week been trying the virtues of Nature's great bath tub, the briny Atlantic. 
14 February 1891
FOR SALE -- Two thoroughbred English Jacks, suitable for breeding purposes, of medium size and quiet disposition, imported by the undersigned. Will sell at moderate prices for cash. Wm. Walsh, Mappsville, Va.
23 May 1891 
The practice night at present for the Mappsville Cornet Band, Monday, is quite an event in the village and neighborhood.  The members of the band have been handsomely entertained recently by Mrs. Mollie Rayfield and Mr. Wm. Walsh. 
23 May 1891 
Mr. Wm. Walsh will put quite an addition to his storehouse— 
29 August 1891 
Storehouse Robbed -- $50 Reward 
I will pay fifty dollars for information that will lead to the arrest and conviction of the thieves who broke in and robbed my store on Monday night, the 3d of AugustThe work was evidently done by a gang who have entered other stores in the upper part of the county, and I hope all good citizens --- especially the merchants who may be interested for obvious reasons--- will do what they can toward the arrest and conviction of this gang. 
Mappsville, Va. 
August 18th, 1891. 
19 September 1891 
 Messrs. William Walsh and N.W. Nock made a flying trip to Newport News last weekThey report the town as growing rapidly, an exceedingly attractive place for the investment of capital in building lots, and one of the finest locations naturally for an immense city to be found on the coastIt is but a question of a few decades, when the whole country between Old Point and that place will be built up solidlyThe ship building plant in the opinion of good judges, is without a single exception the finest in the worldAt present it represents an expenditure of $3,000,000, employs 2,000 laborers, and the company is constantly making costly improvements and adding new machineryTwo immense iron steamships for the Morgan Line—El Sud and El Norte, are now being constructedThe wrecked iron steamship El Dorado is now being docked for repairsHer officers say that the pirates of the Bahamas looted her to the tune of 70 or 80 thousand dollarsOur former townsman, Rev. Richard Walsh, is pleasantly located and Dame Fortune has not withheld smiles from him either; inside lots, bought some time ago are turning out to be veritable gold mines to himThey were pleased to know that others of our county people located there were doing well, among them our esteemed former neighbors and friends, Geo. W. Oldham, Hargis and Pruitt. 
16 January 1892 
TAKE NOTICE--- The undersigned having purchased all that part of Assawaman beach and adjoining marshes, lying north of the dividing line extended to the Atlantic ocean, which line separates the lands belonging to the heirs of Col. James Northam from the lands belonging to Edward S. Johnson and wife, and which purchase is more fully described by deed on record in the clerk’s office of Accomac county, do hereby forewarn all persons from trapping, gunning, fishing, oystering, clamming, or in any wise trespassing on the above named premises.  Anyone violating this notice will certainly be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, unless permission to do so has first been secured from anyone of the undersignedRichard Walsh, James Walsh, William Walsh, N.W. Nock. 
25 June 1892 
Mr. Wm. Walsh has bought of N.W. Nock, agend for Mrs. Emma Floyd, of Wilmington, Del., the farm known as the Snead place. 
5 November 1892 
Thomas Metcalf, of Liverpool, England, is visiting his uncle, Mr. Wm. WalshMr. Metcalf comes directly from the East Indies, via Red sea and Suez canalHis experiences in the Eastern world, as told by him, are entertaining and listened to with great interest by our villagers. 
7 January 1893 
Charles Ewell, Sr., has retired from farming and is a resident of our village. 
Messrs. John Chandler, Ezekiel Ross and George Nelson are also new residents of this place. 
Rev. Richard Walsh, of Newport News, has been spending the holidays with his brother, Wm. WalshHe has unbounded faith in the great future of his cityInvestments made by him there some years ago are yielding handsome returns. 
25 February 1893
The pulpit of the Baptist Church at Drummondtown will be filled again to-morrow (Sunday) by Rev. Richard Walsh.
1 April 1893 
Rev. J.L. King, with Mr. William Walsh and daughter, Miss Laura, have returned from quite a pleasant trip to New York.  Mr. Walsh having been for years a resident of that city and being well acquainted with many of its officials, our visiting party were enabled by their courtesy and kindness to see New York as few strangers are able to see it.  Captain Copeland, of the city police force, was especially attentive to them, placing at their service one of the city’s steamers, from whose decks they viewed the statue of Liberty, the great Brooklyn bridge, the monster Greyhounds that line its piers, and hundreds of other interesting objects from the Palisades on the west, to the Hell Gates on the east. 
13 May 1893 
Licenses were granted as follows:…..Barroom,…..Wm. Walsh, Mappsville;….. 
13 May 1893 
The wife of Mr. Thomas Savage had an attack of epilepsy in attempt to go up stairs last Tuesday night, and the lamp which she was carrying exploded, setting fire to her clothing and the furnitureThe fire was well underway when discovered by a gentleman, who happened to be passing along the road near (the) dwellingIn a few moments more the building would have been consumed and with it the lady and three little childrenMrs. Savage sustained painful but not fatal injuries. 
13 May 1893 
Our merchant and amateur fisherman, Wm. Walsh, has constructed a very ingenious device for carrying his drum line out beyond the breakers, himself standing upon the shoreThis contrivance enables the fisherman to send his line out to any desired distance and to drop his hooks and sinkers wheresoever he willNo muscular effort, as formerly, is required in accomplishing this purpose.  This machine is constructed upon scientific principles and its range of work can only be limited by the length of the cord to which it is attached.  It is destined to be of invaluable service in the saving of lives upon stranded vessels upon the coast, as by its use life lines can be sent to wrecks entirely beyond the reachof the gun used for such purposes by our life saving serviceThe device will be patented. 
15 July 1893 
Wm. Walsh who paid a short visit to Newport News, to recruit his health, came back not much improvedHe says business has a gloomy outlook in that place.   
Charles Ewell, Jr., and Samuel Abott will open a saloon soon in this village, upon the land leased by them of Mr. Albert Gillespie, opposite Wm. Walsh’s storeThe young men are quite popular and will no doubt make their venture a success. 
19 August 1893 
Oscar Chandler, a young gentleman of this place, has been very sick for several weeks with typhoid feverWe are glad to say that he is now improving quite rapidly. 
19 August 1893 
William Walsh is now on a trip to New York, for the purpose of superintending the making of a model of his new device for saving life from wrecks of vessels on the coast. 
16 September 1893
Mr. Samuel Wertheim, of New York, a jolly young business man of that city, has been welcome visitor to our village recently. He made Mr. Walsh's house his home while here.
30 September 1893 
Rev. Richard Walsh, of Newport News, and James Walsh, of New York, were called by wire to the bedside of Mrs. Lottie Savage, nee Walsh, one day last week, whose illness was pronounced by her physician to be almost hopelessMrs. Savage by her many excellent qualities of heart and mind, has so endeared herself to everyone in the community, that all hearts yearn toward the youthful sufferer and all lips utter prayers for her speedy recoveryAt this writing all are glad to learn that her complete recovery is possible. 
28 October 1893 
Oliver Baker vs. William Walsh (in slander)Verdict and judgment for plaintiff for $100 damages and costs. 
20 January 1894
Albert Walsh, son of our fellow townsman and merchant of this place Wm. Walsh, left for New York Tuesday night. He will enter the employ of Walsh & Werthern, one of which -- Mr. Jas. Walsh -- is an uncle of the young man.
12 May 1894
Wm. Walsh has just gotten home from New York with a large supply of notions and other goods. He brought with him some of his New York friends.

Mr. William Walsh has a New York artist visiting him, Mr. A. Kaufman, who is spending most of his time on the seashore sketching. 

21 July 1894
Paul and Alfred Wood, sons of Dr. Wood, of New York, visiting the family of Mr. Wm. Walsh, are having a "jolly good time" boating, fishing, etc.
Rev. Richard Walsh, formerly of this place, now of Newport News, was married last week in Jersey City to a lady of that place. Congratulations and earnest wishes for a happy future are sincerely tendered by your scribe. This event is a forcible illustration of the old saw "That it is never too late to mend," the groom being a frisky yound "bach" of about 60 summers. Pope said:
'There never swam a gander so gray; nor so late;
But what at some time would find an honest goose for a mate."
We are now inclined to think that he was right.
4 August 1894
Mr. Hamilton Howe, of New York was a welcome visitor to our village recently. James Walsh, Esq., and wife, of the same city, are visiting his father and sister, Mrs. Richard Savage, Jr.
William Walsh, Esq., recently caught a monster shark. It measured nine feet in length, and upon investigation his captor found that for breakfast the shark had swallowed intact, a sea turtle measuring a foot in diameter.

Suit is about to be entered by William Walsh, Esq., and others, against certain parties, and will probably determine the rightful ownership of what is known asAssawaman beach. The boundaries of this private ownership in the beach and adjoining marshes, bays and creeks, we hope will then be definitely settled, so that the public may know the limits of its privilege in these contested waters and marshes. 

13 October 1894
Mrs. William Walsh and daughter Laura, and Mrs. Lottie Savage are visiting friends in New York and vicinity.

24 November 1894
Wm. Walsh, Esq., has gotten home from a week's trip to New York, bringing with him new goods, including a fine lot of domestic and foreign fruits.
Mr. Charles Ewell, Sr., has left the village and gone to reside on one of his sea-side farms. George Collonna, Esq., is now occupying the farm near Mappsville, belonging to N. W. Nock.

9 October 1897
NOTICE --- All persons are hereby forwarned from gunning, oystering or egging on Assawaman Beach under strict penalty of the law. Twenty-five dollars will be paid for information leading to the arrest and conviction of trespassers. William Walsh.

22 July 1899
Messrs. Walter R. and Albert E. Walsh, of New York, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walsh. They are glad to have the boys with them. 

2 March 1901
We had a very dangerous fire in town Wednesday night of last week. The barn of Mr. Wm. Walsh was burned to the ground and if the wind had been blowing in a different direction the whole town would have been destroyed. Loss about $500.
January 11, 1902: 
Commonwealth vs. J. R. Bowden -- on appeal from judgment of Justice of the Peace -- upon a warrant charging said Bowden, with having stolen, taken and carried away 10 bushels of oysters from the private grounds of Wm. Walsh. Nolle prosequi entered. 
April 1902: 
Retail liquor licenses were granted to the following: Robert L. Parks, Centerville; Wm. Walsh, Mappsville; Ernest J. Figgs, Woodberry; Jno. O. Mears, Mutton Hunk: Artemus E. Poulson, Messongo Bridge; Jas. Lee Justis, Parksley; Berkley L. West, Pungoteague; John E. Roberts, Keller; Chas. W. D. Taylor, Mill Bridge; Fred R. Martin, Shilo Valley; Geo. W. Hack, Craddockville; Geo. Wm. Drummond, Pungoteague; Jno. T. Bonnewell, Mappsburg; Thos. R. James, Locustville; James Harmon, Belle Haven; Robt. P. Custis, Onancock; Wm. T. Winder, Onancock; Burton, Parker & Co., Onancock; George G. Ailworth, Drummondtown; Benj. F. Wharton, Drummondtown; Jno. D. Johnson, Parksley; Wm. H. Gaskins, Pungoteague; Wm. H. Moore, Pungoteague Bridge; Oswald D. Doughty, Wachapreague; Geo. R. Coleburn, Chincoteague; Major Jones, Chincoteague; Fair Oaks Liquor Company, Fair Oaks; Joseph H. Stevens, Wachapreague; Benj. F. Bull, Craddockville; Louis N. Major, Shilo; John L. Gardner, Bull Branch. 
24 January 1903
Mr. Wm. Walsh is improving his property on the sea-side with a new dwelling.
Mr. Albert Walsh talks of opening an up-to-date grocery store at Persimmon Point in the near future.

August 1903: 
Upon application of William Walsh for retail liquor license at his home atMappsville. Application refused and appeal taken to Circuit Court. 

26 September 1903
Capt. John Hughes while oystering last Tuesday, near Hog Neck Creek, fell overboard and was drowned before anyone could reach him. The accident resulting in his death is due it is thought to an attack of apoplexy.

7 November 1903
Reward - One hundred dollars ($100) will be paid for further information as to the party or parties who murdered Mr. John H. Hughes while in a boat in the main creek near Great Gut on Tuesday,, October 22,* at 2:15 p.m. All correspondence will be confidential.
Wm. Walsh,
January 1904:  
Proceedings of the court County of Accomac 
The last Official acts of the retiring Judge were the following: 
Mr. William Walsh, of this county, having had the portraits of the late Benjamin T. Gunter, a distinguished Judge of the Circuit Court of this county, and of the late Montcalm Oldham Jr., the efficient clerk of the court, made and placed in the court house at his own expenses; the Court, appreciating the spirit actuating Mr. Walsh in thus perpetuating the memory of these departed faithful officials, doth order this acknowledgment spread upon the records of this court and a copy certified to Mr. Walsh, attested by the Judge and Clerk of the said court. 

17 December 1904
FOR RENT -- For 1905 one large ten room house and plenty of outbuildings in good condition, viz: stables, carriage house and loft, situated in centre of Mappsville, suitable for boarding house and livery. Moderate rent. Apply to William Walsh, Mappsville, Va.

25 February, 1905
Mrs. William Walsh, Sr., of Mappsville, has raised this winter on a lemon bush in her house 20 lemons, weighing about 1 1/2 pounds each, besides a number of smaller ones.

17 June 1905
In front of William Walsh's Store in Mappsville, Va, all that valuable tract of land on which Capt. William Green formerly resided, and which is generally known as Red Bank which is situated on the seaside, in Accomac County, Va. This valuable tract of land has been subdivided and will be sold in four parcels as follows, viz: No. 1 is nearest to Mappsville, and contains 42 acres, 3 roods and 23 poles, and is bounded on the Southeast and Southwest by a creek, Northwest by the Seaside County Road, and Northeast by tract No. 2. It is improved by a comfortable dwelling and outbuildings and is now rented for $125. No. 2. has 25 acres, 1 rood and 23 poles and is bounded by the above named County Road and creek and tracts Nos. 1 and 3. No. 3. contains 33 acres and 25 poles and is bounded by above named creek and road and tracts Nos 2 and 4. No 4. is the main part of said tract and contains 149 acres and 2 roods. Is improved by a good commodious swelling of about 15 rooms, and large dry cellar, with necessary outbuildings, tenant house and oyster ground, from dwelling the Ocean can be plainly seen. A beautiful hedge fence divides each of the above named tracts. The land is all high, not a ditch on any part of it or the need of one as it is naturally drained by creeks which nearly surround it. Each tract fronts on the county road and runs back to the creek, is especially adapted to trucks. Is about two and one-half miles from Hallwood Station. It is seldom that land possessing so many natural advantages is offered at public sale.

1 July 1905
The "Green Farm: was sold at public auction at Mappsville last Saturday by Mr. F. H. Dryden. The main place was bought by William Walsh at the price of $7,205, and the three other tracts by Mr. A. J. Rew at $5,230.

15 February 1908
A lemon grown at the home of Mr. William Walsh, Mappsville, has attracted much attentionat the drug store at Accomac C.H. this week. It weighs 1 1/4 pounds, about 4 times as much as those usually found in our stores.

11 April 1908
Mrs. Maggie Walsh, wife of Mr. William Walsh, Sr., died suddenly, of heart disease, at her home at Mappsville, on Thursday, April 2d,* aged 57 years, and was laid to rest in the cemetery at Modestown Baptist Church on Saturday after funeral services conducted by her pastor, Rev. R. S. Monds. Her husband, three sons, Walter, Albert, and William, and four daughters, Mrs. Carson Chandler, Mrs. C. F. Bloxom, Mrs. Will Colona and Miss Maggie Walsh survive her. The deceased was a most estimable lady with the sincere affection and regard of a large circle of relatives and friends.
1 August 1908
Mr. William Walsh, Sr., of Mappsville, leaves Sunday night for New York, thence on steamer Lusitania for Liverpool, Glasgow, London, Dublin, and other points in Europe. He will return to this county about the 15th of September.











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(June, 2015) ~  Mr. Wm. Walsh, of New York, has bought a house and lot at Mappsville, of Mr. Nehemiah W. Nock, for $1,000. He proposes to en...