8/26/15 Mr. and Mrs. C.F. Chandler were summoned to Mappsville, VA this week by the critical illness of her father, Mr. Walsh.
9/15 Mr. and Mrs. C.F. Chandler have returned home from Virginia, where they were summoned by the illness of her father, Mr. William Walsh. His death occurred on Wednesday of last week at his home in Mappsville, and funeral services were held on Thursday. Mr. Walsh, who was seventy-four years old, was born in England. He had been a resident of Accomac County for many years, and was one of the leading and influential men of the county.
11/18/15 Mrs. William Colona, of Newport News, and Miss Maggie Walsh, of Mappsville, have been the guests this week of their sister, Mrs. Carson F. Chandler, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. O.M. Chandler of the Peters farm, had as their guests last Saturday and Sunday, Mrs. N.W. Nock, Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Fosque, and son John Major Jr., of Onancock, Mr. and Mrs. W.N. Mason and son Morris, of Parksley, and Miss Margaret Walsh, of Mappsville, Mrs. W.E. Colona and little son, William, of New Port News, and Mr. and Mrs. C.F. Chandler and son, of Snow Hill.
2/27/15 Mrs. Charles Bloxom of Bloxom, VA. has been the guest this week of her sister, Mrs. Carson F. Chandler. On Wednesday night several of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Chandler assembled at their home to observe with them the second anniversary of their son, Master Carson F. Chandler, Jr.

Charles and Laura Walsh Bloxom
8/21/15 Mr. and Mrs. William Colona of NewPort News and Mr. Thomas Chandler, of Baltimore, have been the guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. C.F. Chandler. Mr. and Mrs. Chandler took their guests on a fishing trip Wednesday on the bay, and they came home with a string of thirty-five trout. On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Colona were summoned to Princess Anne by the death of his sister, Mrs. Morris. Mr. Thomas Chandler left on Friday for a visit with his father at Bloxom. He was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Chandler, who will return Sunday.
2/16/16 Wanted At Once -- To contract with good mill man with mill to saw about 1,000,000 feet of pine timber. C.F. and O.M. Chandler, Snow Hill.
1916 Mr. and Mrs. John Chandler, of Bloxom, Virginia, have moved to Snow Hill and....taken up their abode in the......residence on Washington Street. Mr. and Mrs. Chandler are the parents of fellow townsman, Carson F. Chandler, Esq., and of Mr. Oscar Chandler, of Peters farm. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Chandler to Snow Hill.
5/13/16 Foxes' Den Near House / Mr. O.M. Chandler, Missing Poultry, Finds Den of Foxes Near His Door. It is not given to every one to have the denizens of the woods come within a few feet of their front door to rear their young, but such was the experience of Mr. O. M. Chandler, who lives on the Peters' farm, on the bay, a few miles from Snow Hill.
Mr. Chandler had frequently missed fowl from his barnyard and poultry house, a setting hen being sometimes taken, sometimes the eggs, and in some instances both hen and eggs would disappear.
At last, one afternoon about two weeks ago he discovered a red fox busily engaged in tearing to pieces and making a meal off of one of his big fat hens. This gave him a clew to the disappearance of his poultry, and he called on Mr. George Smack, his neighbor, to assist him in hunting down the marauders. Accordingly, Mr. Smack took his pack of hounds to Peters farm that afternoon. The hounds easily found the trail, and followed it over devious and winding ways, until it was lost near the house. They were put on the trail again and again, but on every occasion the dogs lost the trail at or near the same place. Mr. Smack finally became convinced that the fox had a den somewhere near the barnyard.
A thorough search was made of the premises, with the view to discovering the den of the fox. With characteristic cunning the foxes had used the ventilator of the old hot bed, crawling through it a distance of nearly 150 feet. The ventilator, which was boxed, was so narrow that once inside it the fox scarcely had room to turn around, but would have to go forward, or back out. The end of the ventilator nearest the house was closed, and here, at a distance of about 200 feet from his door, the foxes had burrowed in the ground, and were boldly rearing their young. feeding them on the fat of the land from Mr. Chandler's hen roosts, or from any vantage point they could effect a capture.
The female fox and three cubs were found in the den, and Mr. Smack has them in captivity. The cubs are thought to be from four to six weeks old.
6/10/16 Between eighty and ninety acres, requiring 250 barrels of seed potatoes, is the acreage that Mr. O.M. Chandler has planted in early white potatoes on the Fairfield Farm..This is probably the largest planting in Worcester County. Mr. Chandler used seventy five tons of fertilizer on his crop. He has already mixed 200 pounds of Paris green, and an additional 100 pounds which he has ordered will scarcely meet his requirements for use in spraying the vines. Mr. Chandler reports the crop to be in fine condition with prospects good for a big yield. He expects the tubers to be ready for marketing early in July.
9/16/16 Snow Hill fishermen have had some good sport this week fishing for trout in Sinepuxent Bay by moonlight. On Wednesday night, messrs. O.M. Chandler, Carson Chandler, W.E. Colona, Walter Walsh and Dr. Riley caught 114 nice trout and they were not very well fixed for bait.
9/20/16 Mr. Walter Walsh, of New York, who has been on a visit to his sister, Mrs. Chandler, returned home last Wednesday. He had a thoroughly enjoyable trip. Mr. Chandler took him around the county and he went a-fishin' several times with good success.
9/1/17 Mr. Carson F. Chandler has purchased a Willys-Knight seven passenger touring car and his brother, Mr. O.M. Chandler, of the Peters Farm, has purchased a seven passenger Oldsmobile. The Willys-Knight was purchased through Mr. J.H. Perdue, representative of the Overland company, and the Oldsmobile from a Virginia agency,
2/15/19 Partnership Dissolution -- This is to give notice that the partnership heretofore existing between and among the undersigned, under the style and firm name of Gordy & Chandler has this day by mutual consent been dissolved, all the ..... of said partnership having been sold to the undersigned -- Carson F. Chandler -- who in turn has assumed the payments of all the debts and obligations of said partnership. Given under our hands, this sixth day of February, nineteen hundred and nineteen. John S. Gordy Nathan H. Gordy Levin C. Gordy Carson F. Chandler. Witness for all, G. Walter Mapp.
5/17/19 Mr. Carson Chandler decided very suddenly to advertise eight mules for sale, and by giving only one day's notice to the Messenger! He sold them last Saturday at satisfactory prices, both to owner and purchaser. C.F. Hill, the auctioneer, did the "crying" to perfection, as he always does.
6/14/19 Children's Day Observed in Snow Hill Churches -- Children's Day at Whatcoat M.E. Church -- Recitation, "The Bells of Summertide," Carson Chandler.

Carson F. Chandler, Jr.