Showing posts with label delmarva. Show all posts
Showing posts with label delmarva. Show all posts

Doctor's Report from 1880 Census....St. George Dist,. Accomack County, VA - transcription.

'The only contagious diseases that have prevailed in my district during the past year are the mumps and whooping cough; the latter of which has proved fatal in a few instances.  My district is situated in an exceedingly level section of country, extremely well adapted for railroads, which may here be constructed at less expense than perhaps in any other part of the United States.  It has long sustained the reputation abroad, of being very unhealthy, so much so that strangers regard it as a sort of death spot.  But its exceeding healthiness for the last six years has contributed greatly to retrieve its character in that respect.  Indeed, I believe it to be as healthy as any part of Virginia which is not mountainous.  It is true, that the mortality on this shore in bygone days was very great, but that, I think, was owing more to the luxurious and epicurean style of living which then prevailed than to the climate.  For now, when terrapin and oyster suppers and bacchanalian carousals have become less frequent, a very decided improvement in the health of the Peninsula has taken effect which is likely to increase as the Sons of Temperance are making very strenuous and successful efforts to do away with the use of intoxicating liquors, that well known source of disease and premature death.  The district is free from rocks, and contains but little timber adapted to ship building………..however there is enough that is useful for building small schooners; and also the erection of dwelling houses.  The most common tree is common pine, which grows very rapidly, the leaves of which are much…….making beds for hogs and cattle.  This when decomposed and compounded……substance makes a very excellent manure, and is very  generally used.  There is a compound, de…..nated among us “……..”, which has also been found to be highly useful as for fertilizing the soil; owing to the salt with which it is very strongly impregnated, our lands requiring manure of character.  This grass is ….. in great abundance to our bay and ocean…it is also much used in our ice houses for ….. ice, which it has the main …..of preserving.  ………. Are unknown on the Eastern Shore.  ….., known…….(next page missing.)'

(this is a snapshot of the place my grandfather's family came from, thirty years before he was born.  they had lived in this place for about 250 years, at the time. I think this was written during the time that there was a campaign to persuade the railroad to come to the eastern shores of Md. and Va.)

Lost and Found

(Note:  this article was written in December of 2023 for the winter/spring issue of Washington College Magazine.)   (Headline) Lost by a tee...