{During and after the war, they gathered socially on the wide lawn of Judge George Washington Dobbin, who hosted a Friday Club at his home, which was aptly named The Lawn. His daughter, Rebecca, noted in her journal that the sound of artillery from Manassas could be heard from this favorite vantage point during the first battle of Bull Run.}
On the wall of the porch near the front door, you can still find a string of wooden beads that Judge Dobbin used to keep track of the laps he walked on the wraparound porch. There was something odd/special about the knocking, ringing, or locking mechanism on the front door, but I can't remember what it is right now!... The glowing entrance hall where the smell of oil paints and linseed oil hit you upon entering. On the right, the dark gallery/studio, and on the left the drawing room....then kitchen and butler's pantry. Just inside the drawing room door, on the right, a desk with a phone. Mrs. May Cobb, a family friend from church and my art teacher, had funny stories of things that happened back when phone lines were party lines and you could listen in on other peoples' conversations (or vice versa.)
Art lessons were either on the 'back porch' or in the drawing room. My sisters had taken these classes too, when they were my age.....I had to bring a quarter with me to each Saturday afternoon lesson, to help defray the cost of supplies. Sometimes during these sessions, she told me ghost stories about the house. A vase of flowers on the mantel would float out into the room and dump itself out....and this was the poltergeist, she explained....a 'noisy ghost' that likes to move things, throw things, cause disturbances. Once, a recently planted flower box was uprooted when her back was turned. She speculated that this was Judge Dobbin, who had an observatory above the second floor, where the flower boxes were located.
After Mr. Joe Cobb's death, Mrs. Cobb awoke in the night to hear his circular saw running in the workshop. I thought it might be lonely and scary for an elderly widow to live alone in a big place like this, back in the woods, with spirits. Fortunately, she rented out part of the second floor to tenants. The tenants, a family, loved the house so much that when Mrs. Cobb went to live with family in Pennsylvania near the end of her life, they bought it and lived in it for about a decade.
When I was older, she found some of my old paintings from class and had them matted for me. I still have a fabric wall hanging that I made at her house, and I remember doing ink drawings over watercolor wash, and learning the principles of Japanese flower arranging...odd numbers always, earth, sky and water. She let slip to friends that I had a fascination with buttons, and one of them brought me a small collection at church one morning.
My elementary school friend Alan Talbot lived in the gatehouse (one of the original tenant cottages) with his mother, and I remember attending one of his birthday parties there.
An oil painting in/near the front hall of a man with a floppy hat
It was here that I first heard the word 'Europe' as a small child, and conceived of a place far away, that was different from where I lived.
The two tenant cottages had to be moved when Rt. 895, the Harbor Tunnel Throughway, went through in the early 1970s.
In the mid-2000s, the family who loved the house so much sold it, and shortly thereafter it was chosen to be the Howard County decorator's showhouse for 2007. The home underwent restoration and refurbishment, and vendors and designers showcased their work all through the property in the fall of 2007. The photos below were taken when my mother, sister, and I visited the showhouse on my mother's birthday in September of that year.
Sadly, about a year later, the then-owner of the property died by his own hand in the historic barn. I don't believe the property has changed ownership since that time.
Judge George Washington Dobbin, builder of The Lawn.

Fairy swings

The main house with the original 'cottage' wing in the foreground, the two story
double-parlor wing further back, with the observatory poking out above the second floor.

View from an outbuilding

Here you can see the two extra extensions added
to the rear of the main wings of the house.

The beads!!

Part of the porch on the cottage/library/studio wing.